Bipolar disorder

The bipolar disorder is characterised by extreme differences in mood, drive and activity. A person with bipolar disorder will be in an euphoric mood and then suddenly switch to a depressed phase. The euphoric phase is characterised by an extremely happy mood and exaggerated optimism, whereas the depressed state comes with the complete opposite of sad and hopeless feelings. The switching between those extreme phases makes it almost impossible to live a balanced and stable life and comes with extreme suffering.

Common symptoms are

Euphoric phase

  • Excessively positive mood
  • Increased drive
  • Increased urge to speak
  • Flight of ideas
  • Absentmindedness
  • Decreased need to sleep
  • Excessive optimism
  • Excessive occupation with only pleasant activities
  • Interruption of the usual professional and social activities

Depressed phase

What to do

When you are in an euphoric state

  • A clearly organised sleep rhythm is a crucial basis for a balanced life. So as a first step, try to go to sleep and to wake up at fixed times.
  • If you feel like having the tendency of always wanting to do the same activity, try to change it on purpose. The more you diversify your activities the less you will be inclined to engage into one action to a harming extent.

When you are in a depressed state

For more ideas on what you could do, see also the page  What can you generally do.

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