World Mental Health Day, Yaoundé, Cameroon
“Making mental health and well-being a global priority.”
On October 10, 2022, World Mental Health Day, the associations Hand On Heart and PROSAMCOM attended this day organised by the Directorate of Health Promotion of the Ministry of Public Health at the Hotel La Falaise in Yaoundé.
The theme of the conference was to make mental health and well-being a global priority. From parents to doctors, all the participants were passionate about the mission.
“Mental health = Wellbeing = LOVE!”
Panelists included a representative from the World Health Organisation, the representative of the Minister of Public Health and Dr Laure Menguene, Deputy Director of Mental Health.
We had the unique opportunity to hear the testimonies of PAMME (Personne Atteinte de Maladie Mentale Errante), wandering patients who have been picked up from the street by the urban community and brought to the Jamot Centre where they are treated. These patients have gone from being ostracised, frightened and abandoned on the streets to becoming functional and productive citizens once again. What an inspiring look at the potential of mental health awareness and appropriate treatment!
“Mental illness, madness, can be treated. Let us no longer abandon our sick brothers. Let’s support them like any other sick person.”
The Minister of Public Health, Cameroon
We were able to talk to other like-minded organisations in Cameroon about their missions and their impact on the state of mental health in the country. Together, these organisations are helping to end the neglect of the mentally ill and promote better treatment of their conditions!